Friday, January 9, 2009

The Things We Do

Why do we workout? Everyone says that working out makes you feel better. I have to be honest, I feel pretty good eating pizza and watching a movie. Nevertheless, I still get up early in the morning, drive 25 minutes, go past the gym I can get into for free and workout so hard I am sore everyday. So I have to ask myself, why do I do this? Is it because society says we need to look a certain way? Maybe. Or is it so that when I see Jeff again I can school him on how to arm wrestle (which will happen anyway)? Whatever the reason, I know my blood pressure is excellent and I am in the best shape of my life and only getting better. Hopefully I can set a good example for my girls. Just FYI, in the picture I was doing ring dips are a lot harder then they look.


Anonymous said...

Jeff is actually curiously strong.

You're looking ripped though. We need a picture with the shirt off!!

And I agree eating pizza all day feels pretty darn good. But so does buying a size two pair of pants.... It's either/or...