Monday, February 23, 2009

A Mom's Best Kept Secret....

Well, we are officially in a house...with a foundation! We are very much excited about that. However, the girls are alread managing to destroy our new, clean place. Jake is getting ready for work as usual which is always the time that we talk with each other about our week plans and talking about life's decisions. At the very moment that we have these daily conversations the girls get into so much trouble! Heidi managed to get into the fridge and found a quart of Crystal Lite--the red kind, in a pitcher. Heidi took it out and failed miserably to drink it. So...I had giant puddles--correct, PUDDLES not PUDDLE, of Crystal Lite. Luckily, before we moved here we had purchased a Hoover Steam Vac! This thing is so wonderful! We had had a steam cleaner that came along with Duffie, but it had finallly bit the dust last fall. I love technology! I don't think I would have survived at all being a Pioneer woman, let alone a Pioneer woman with kids!