Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We Moved....Sort Of

Last Monday we finally got around to getting the big stuff out of the trailer. I no longer need to sugar coat the fact that we were living in a trailer and not technically a house. Monday was a really long day taking loads of crap over to the new house. Since I had time, I just put the stuff in the back of the U-Haul without trying to pack every nook and cranny. Overall, the move went well with just a few items remaining at the trailer. The first night here was kind of trippy since I haven't spent the night in a real house for over a year.

We do have a new phone number which I will be e-mailing out to everyone. But take a look at the link and you can see pictures of the house listing. If we knew we were going to be here longer I most likely would have just bought the place.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice neighborhood, a radio tower near by and older looking 3 story brick building at the closest major intersection. I love Google Street View.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and a cemetery and a couple banks and commercial buildings nearby too!

Katie Cannon said...

That's great, I am happy for you guys! Oh and Penny you are a crack up!