Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Check Out the Crossfit Link

Last night I didn't get to bed till after 1. When my alarm went off at 7:30 for me to go work out I was really tempted to sleep in. After all, it was cold out and my bed was nice and toasty. Not to mention, Bethany hasn't been feeling well and slept in our bed last night and she was being really sweet. So I got my rear out of bed and started getting ready. I then made the mistake of checking on the computer what the workout for today was going to be then I really didn't want to get up. The workout was as follows:

5 rounds for time of:
7 cycles through the following complex (the Bear):
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Overhead Squat
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press-
do not set the bar down during the 7 times through the Bear (you may set it down between each round)- continue increasing (or decreasing) the weight each round until you determine the most weight you can use while not setting down the bar for 7 cycle

You do all those exercises and that constitutes 1 cycle. Completing 7 cycles counts as 1 round. And as you already read you need to do 5 rounds. Oh, and did I mention the bar can only touch the floor at the end of each round? If the bar does touch the ground that counts as a foul and you need to do 30 jumping lunges. (Also, this is just the main workout and doesn't even count the warm-up of back extensions, crunches, squats etc.)

To make a long story short I went to the workout and actually had a good time. It was a killer but the bar never touched the ground and I kept increasing weight. Then at the end I was still able to knock 7 quick pull-ups. So, check out the link for Crossfit Valdosta and you'll see me resting while in the middle of the work out.


Anonymous said...

Holey're gettin' ripped
