Monday, January 26, 2009

The Day in the Life of a Mother......

Being a mother has many challenges, as we hear frequently of horror stories, gross stories, and everything else in between we are always thinking....."Let these things never happen to me." Today, to put honestly, has been quite a day. Among the usual cleaning up of piles of toilet paper near the toilet, following the diaper trail that Heidi, my two-year old, who is "interested" in learning how to use the Potty, only when it suits her time table.....among the other little adventures that only comes with having a two-year old and a three-year old. Now, mind you I have two little girls and so I know the trials that I face are in no comparison of having rowdy boys, however....I have felt today that maybe I am being prepared for boys with the different messes I have had to clean up today. Just as Duffie has prepared us for our girls, maybe our girls are preparing us for something else. In a nutshell, these are "some" of the things I have had to clean up today. Before I go into detail of the events, I do watch my children...they are just becoming very sneaky, creative, and lets face it....KIDS! Here are the events in no particular order:

-Heidi dumps the whole box of Cheerios on the living room floor. Cleaning up the cheerios, I have discovered that the vacuum is clogged up.
-Bethany and Heidi decide that a container of Romano cheese should belong on our tread climber and spread all over the kitchen table.
-We then find the sequel of the Romano cheese all over the girls room. Including one bed. Since my vacuum is clogged up from the previous Cheerio mess, I have to dig through the closet to bring out "Bertha", our shop vac to get the job done in both rooms.
-Heidi finds a baggy of Jake's whey protein powder. I will leave your imagination to fill in the rest.
-We recently received a dry erase board. We thought it would be great for us, however we didn't think about the example we would send our kids.....since the board is hanging on the wall, Bethany sees Daddy writing on the wall and wants to become like Daddy. You probably see what is to come next, to keep it short I have a 3-feet long, 2-feet wide personal "Picasso" from Bethany now on my wall in the kitchen, complete with perfect smiley faces! However, she did know only to write with the dry erase marker!
-Heidi, is back in the bathroom discovering that the toilet makes really cool sounds when you try to flush change down the toilet. I then find myself washing quarters with antibacterial soap?

There you have it, and the day hasn't even ended yet! While I am writing this, Heidi is in her secret kitchen cupboard, her "cubby" with a small bag of Goldfish crackers. Bethany is worn out from the spanking and time out she received from writing on the wall, she has crashed out on the living room coach. Myself, I don't know what to fanatically for some chocolate in the house, or be a good girl and hit the tread climber while smelling remnants of Romano cheese! What I do know is that I am in need of a date night ASAP! I say this while Heidi is trying to get into the Cocoa powder..... A good thing they are my kids and that I love them and their crazy messes.


Melanie said...

I don't know what to say except I hope you found the chocolate!