Saturday, April 26, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

After a really long day I have arrived here in Las Vegas. I must admit that this will be a really long month. I was doing fine until this morning when I was getting ready to leave we had a family prayer. I picked up both the girls to keep them from running away, and while saying the prayer those little stinkers had to be so freakin cute. Bethany was giving me really soft kisses on the cheek and when Heidi saw that she tried doing the same. I will miss them an awful lot but at least I know they are in excellent hands.
Other then that, I got into Vegas just fine. I think I saw the Grand Canyon, or at least parts of it, or at a minimum a big canyon. I tried taking a picture but it is kind of hard to see. I also got to see Hoover Dam while flying in, so I can take that off the list of things to do. Another thing that was cool was seeing all the different Fighter Jets here, to include F-15C, F-15E, F-16 (including the ThunderBirds), F-18 and F-22. A lot of the jets are also painted really weird colors (like a light blue F-15). They are painted different colors to simulate the aggressor Aircraft, or "bad guy" for you girls. I will attempt to update the blog frequently to kind of act as a journal while on this little shindig.