Saturday, May 17, 2008

So Much for a Journal

So almost a month ago I thought that this blog was going to work as a journal entry while in Las Vegas. My plan didn't work for a couple of reasons. First, my Internet connection is absolutely lousy. Just to get on the Internet I have to sit in the door way of the room to pick up the wireless signal. Second, nothing has been going on to talk about. For the first two weeks we were on 12 hour shifts. I guess I should say that I was on a 12 hour shift and that my boss worked whenever he felt like it. In addition to being at work forever, there was nothing to do. I sat in the vehicle for hours on end. Thankfully I have my PSP and that helped pass the time.

Other then that watching the planes take off can be cool, except that the F-15's, 16's and 18's are so cotton pickin loud. The ground just vibrates every time they take off. The other night I was at the "End of Runway" (where the planes park and get armed right before take off) and got stuck behind some 15's and 18's. You need to stay at least 200 feet away from the back of the jet engines for a reason. I was in a truck and about a 100 feet away. I am quite surprised the back of my neck wasn't burned. That was my exciting time.