Friday, March 21, 2008

Almost the Weekend.....and Almost Moday

Years ago when I was working in St. Louis at a bank a co-worker made a comment that forever ruined looking forward to a weekend. On a Friday I made the obvious statement that the next day was Saturday, co-worker responded by pointing out that we were only two days away from Monday. As this weekend is nearing I am filled with anticipation and a slight sense of dread. I am excited about the fact of not having to shave or deal with people that drive me nuts but knowing that Monday is nearby and that I have to start all over next week just is not fun.
On a positive note I will be going to Las Vegas and while I'll be working at least I won't have to be in the shop for a month. I am now counting down by months how much longer till I get out of the Air Force (12 months until I start terminal leave).
So to change the subject and get the weekend started with a laugh, enjoy the following video.

And for the record this is not the Air Force.


Penny said...

Oh my gosh! I had no idea the side straddle hop took so much coordination! Too funny!

JoAnn said...

OK, since it isn't the USAF, who is it?